Your go-to guide for kid-friendly parks and nature walks in the Bay Area and beyond.
HI! I’m Jessie, teacher turned stay at home mom of two kiddos. One of our favorite things to do is explore parks! Thanks for following along in our adventures.
There’s something so special about laughter. Whether its laughing yourself or hearing a laugh from a child, nothing can turn your day around more. Find something funny or joyful in everyday.
Kids love to play. That’s it! But kids aren’t the only ones allowed to have fun. In the book This Isn’t What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression there’s a sentence that really spoke to me, “Do not underestimate the power that rediscovering play can have in your life”.
There is so many fun exciting places all around us! My hope is that with the resources found on this site, you’ll be able to step out of your comfortable and find what adventure awaits.
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