Chabot Park — San Leandro

Chabot Park is not only a gateway to beautiful Lake Chabot but has so much to offer the entire family.

This parks’ main attraction is its frisbee golf course but if you don't frisbee golf there is still so much to do! If you walk down the hill from the parking there is an open space (that has slabs of asphalt, volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, some benches & a group of large stuffed animals that are thoroughly enjoying themselves... see photos) Behind the open space is San Leandro Creek. Along the creek, there are a few “beaches” you can walk right up to & also a few short cliffs if you’re feeling up to getting muddy. There are a lot of downed eucalypti and if you're daring you can walk across the bridges they create. Look out for birds but mostly you'll find sticks, shrubbery, & land cover. As you explore you will find already treaded paths but they are very narrow and would best be treaded with boots (especially if it's wet). Be careful when tromping around because there are a lot of blackberry shrubs & with blackberries come thorns.

This park has a few playground elements including a hillside slide & a giant swing set (bucket & standard). The hillside slide can be a bit hard for smaller kids to get on because of the big raised ledge at the top. The swing set is a favorite. Because of how long the chains to the swing are, you get to do a long swinging arch without going so high (pendulum! science!)  

This park has a big grassy area, a couple of picnic bench spots w/ bbq, a stage, an open bathroom, & access to Lake Chabot (what I’ve been told) is a short 20 min walk.

There is so much construction being done by EBMUD so look out for big trucks! 


Charles F Kennedy Park — Union City


Central Park and Community Center — San Ramon