Bechtel Park — Hayward

A small park with playground, grass, and picnic tables

This small neighborhood park is so hidden I didn’t even see it on Google maps. The play area has a structure, standard swings, and a tire swing. The structure has two slides (bumpy and spiral) steps, ladders (including a chain ladder), a steering wheel, monkey bars, and an underneath counter perfect for serving up a woodchip sandwich.

Right behind the tall trees and the wall are the train tracks. Unlike its neighbor on the other side of the tracks (Nuestro Parquecito) you cannot see the train so sadly all the train lovers will just need to listen to the ever so loud train passings.

Near the playground and along the sidewalk are picnic benches (no bbq) and a good amount of level grass good for laying down to cloud watch or kicking a ball back and forth.

Being an older park, the trees are really tall and full. There are no bathrooms. Street parking is available on White Dr/Ross Pl or Beale Dr/Ingram Pl.


Opal Staniek Tot Lot — Albany


San Andreas Park — Union City