Opal Staniek Tot Lot — Albany

Opal Staniek Tot Lot is a perfect space for toddlers to play and explore at their level.

A small tot lot on the corner of Talbot and Dartmouth in Albany is home to a small structure, a sandbox, two playhouses, a playboat, bucket swings and so many left behind toys. (Reminds me of Toy Story 4). It’s a neat way to reuse toys your kids have grown out of.

There are two entrances into this completely gated park with stairs and a ramp to get from street level to playground level. The structure is very small with just steps, a slide, and activities.

There are benches for the adults and a kid-size table for the little ones to use. There is a LIttle Free Library so bring some books to donate or exchange! Outside the gate is a water bottle filling station and trash cans. There isn’t a bathroom and it is street parking only.


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